Types Of
There are basically a few types of honey
based on the way they are being being processed. Every honey is
unique based on the flower and atmosphere which the nectar is
being extracted from.
Comb Honey
Comb honey is honey-filled beeswax comb as
stored directly by the bees. It is a popular product which
is sold still in the wax comb. Comb honey are now
packeges in palstic rings or cartridges so as to reduce
the amount of labour needed. A clear cover is placed over
it so as to enable customers to see the product upon
removal from the hive.
Raw Honey
Raw honey is honey which is obtained by
extraction, settling or straining without adding heat. Raw
honey contains some pollen and may contain small particles of
wax which is present in the beehive.
Chunk Honey
Chunk honey is packed in glass
containers consisting of one or more pieces of comb honey
surrounded by extracted liquid honey.
Liquid honey is prepared by cutting off the
wax cappings and whirling the comb in a honey extractor, where
centrifugal force moves the honey out of the cells.
Granulated honey is made by blending one
part finely granulated honey with nine parts liquid honey.
Dried Honey
Dried honey is is honey that has been
dehydrated and mixed with other ingredients to keep it
Flavoured honey is honey which has been
added with different flavourings or fruit to it.
Honey stix
Honey stix are honey which are filled into a
straw. Some honey stix have flavouring added to it and is
extremely popular with the children.
Infused honey that has had flavors of herbs,
spices, peels added to it by steeping.
Organic honey is produced, processed, and
packaged in accordance with regulations, and certified by an
independent organic farming certification organization.